Friday, November 12, 2010

"can you imagine how different our world would be if we could do laundry from 3-6 on weekdays?"

i live in the third world, but think in terms of facebook statuses. this is a blog of blog names, cause i wake up too many mornings thinking to myself you shoulda wrote that down. this won't have the same pizazz as new year new me, and will likely be even more short-lived and erratic, but if a woman doesn't stand for her blog, what does she stand for, really?

1 comment:

  1. Remember when I wanted to post my famous senior quote and you wouldn't let me? HA!
    (letters fade in)
    Most of the time...
    (...fade out)
    (fade in...)
    Memories just happen.
    (...fade out)
    (fade in...)
    But sometimes...
    (...fade out)
    (fade in...)
    You've just gotta make them happen.
    (...fade out baby!!!)
