Friday, November 26, 2010

double wrapped reese's

i have an idea for a screenplay. i'm hoping someone in the biz stumbles on this blog and steals my genius, cause i want to see this shit made into a movie.

three 20-to-30-something gringas head out from their dominican home to stalk down the short, feisty one's delinquent boyfriend on the other side of the island. the girls head out on a holiday weekend adventure last minute, and hilarity ensues. moments of drunken girlytime self-loathing, a dance montage, and maybe some three-way high fives between roomies. you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll laugh until you cry. at worst, we'll be sure to include a midget somewhere in the film for a cheap thrill... there are side stories- romances, forgotten friends, and maybe a little drug use. and the story hinges on the beginning scene:

hippie dippie chick opens a mini reese's cup to find (with daisy mae playing in the background) her delicious american chocolate & peanut butter confection is wrapped in two paper wrappers.

(offhandedly) "hey look, two wrappers"
"holy shit, two wrappers is like a sign of good luck!"
short feisty one and goofy dykey one laugh like they've just downed a bottle of wine. little did the hippie know that just a few hours prior, the girls had been devising a plan to make a double-wrapped reese's cup a "thing." like, some stupid superstition people reference in movies and when in mixed company to cut the awkwardness. we had just made it up, and already it was blowing the fuck up.

life's little pleasures.

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