Thursday, May 26, 2011

why have i not seen flamingos yet?

nine months. this is inexcusable.

"most of my dominican contacts are taxi drivers"

ashley and i are having a bbq on saturday for our birthdays and decided to make a facebook invite.

we have no friends here.

at least we have each other... suicide pact?

Saturday, May 14, 2011

dime quienes son tus amigos y te diré quien eres

running with tacos was what i thought would be a valiant effort at a new style of blogging, but it was marred by one fatal flaw: who the fuck do i think i am saying i'm going to start running? plus, i got a haircut a few weeks back, so time's gonna start passing again and my hair (now split-end-free) is gonna grow. i'm baaaaaaaaack.

i went for a swim this morning, something i'd like to do more often. a reasonable goal, since swimming makes neither the fat on my legs jiggle (that i can notice) nor my lungs feel like they're going to explode. quitting smoking hasn't worked out as well as i would have liked it to.

6 laps into my swim, i noticed a bee flailing about in the water. he clearly took to swimming the way i took to running. a year ago, i would have saved his ass without a second thought. this morning, though, i hesitated. his wings were already wet, i had no idea how long he had been struggling there, maybe he was too far gone.

meh, he at least deserved a chance.

one big leaf and a stoic rescue later, he starting walking around on the sun-soaked pavement. i could return to my morning swim knowing mr. bee was going to live to see another day!

but wait

why did he insist on flailing in the water if he was just gonna jump right back in?